General regulations

Section 1 Purpose
Full name of the organization is:
Africans Arise Organisation

The organization aims to conduct non-profit activities to empower and uplift African communities in Skåne and Sweden. It aims to foster connections and engagements between the African community and the wider Swedish society, promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion without discrimination. The organization achieves this by providing access to valuable resources, facilitating community engagements, and offering programming that celebrates Black life, culture, and history while addressing issues of Afrophobia and anti-Black racism.
The Organization shall have the following objectives:

– To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Swedish society.

– To empower and uplift local African communities by providing access to resources and facilitating community engagements.

– To create a platform for the African community in Sweden to connect, share experiences, and celebrate their rich culture.

– To raise awareness and address the pressing issues of Afrophobia and anti-Black racism.

– To encourage and support research that explores African heritage and culture.

– To undertake any other lawful activities that contribute to the achievement of the above objectives.

The organization is open to all persons (legal age in Sweden) regardless of their background. The organization is committed to actively counteracting all forms of discrimination.
The Organization’s accounts shall be audited and published annually, following Swedish law.

The Organization shall maintain neutrality and not affiliate with any political parties or trade unions, nor engage in partisan politics.

Members of the Organization shall have access to the organization’s statutes upon request. Prospective members will be required to acknowledge that they are aware of the organization’s aims and objectives.

Section 2 Seat

The organization has its domicile/seat in Malmö municipality and address at C/O Nobel 21 Föreningscenter, Nobelvägen 21-23 214 29 Malmö, Sweden, or such other address as may be determined by the Board from time to time.

Section 3 Composition

The organization consists of the persons who have been admitted to the organization as members.

Section 4 Decision-making body

The annual meeting is the organization’s highest decision-making body. After that comes the extra annual meeting and then the board.

Section 5 Organization account and authorized signature

The organization’s account is signed by two or three board members, including the Treasurer, as well as either the President or the General Secretary, or both.
The board can also delegate the signature to one or more specially appointed persons or persons of legal age.

Section 6 Business and financial year

The organization’s operating and accounting year is a calendar year.

Section 7 Statutory interpretation and Arbitration clause

If there is uncertainty regarding the interpretation of these statutes, or if situations arise that are not addressed in the statutes, the matter will be referred to the next annual meeting. In urgent cases, the board may decide on the matter.
Disputes regarding the statutes between a member and the organization shall not be brought to the General court. Instead, such disputes will be settled according to the Arbitration Act, except where other special procedures are prescribed. Concerning the costs of the arbitration, each party will be responsible for their expenses as well as the costs of their appointed arbitrator. The costs of the chairperson and secretary will be divided equally between the parties.

Section 8 Amendment of the Statutes

Amendments to these statutes require a decision by an annual meeting with at least two-thirds of the votes cast. Both members and the board may submit proposals to amend the statutes in writing.

Section 9 Dissolution

For the dissolution of the organization, decisions must be made at two consecutive meetings, with at least one month between them. One of these meetings must be the annual meeting, and the decision must be supported by at least two-thirds of the votes cast. If the organization is dissolved, its assets shall be donated to the Allmänna Arvsfonden, and the organization’s documents and other materials must be filed in the city archive.

Section 10 Membership and GDPR

The organization is open to all persons. Members must adhere to the organization’s statutes and regulations. Once the membership fee is paid, the person becomes a member and is added to the membership list. The board has the authority to appoint honorary members.
Membership remains in effect until further notice unless the member resigns or the membership is revoked by the board due to non-payment of fees or conduct incompatible with the organization’s purpose.
Processing of personal data
By becoming a member, the individual agrees that the organization may process their personal data to conduct appropriate activities in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Section 11 Withdrawal

Members who wish to withdraw from the organization must report this in writing to the board, at which point they will be considered to have immediately left the organization. Those who fail to pay the membership fee by 31 October may be deemed to have requested withdrawal from the organization. In such cases, their membership will be terminated by removing them from the membership list.

Section 12 Exclusion

A member may only be excluded from the organization if they have failed to pay the fees decided by the organization, opposed the organization’s activity or purpose, or clearly damaged the organization’s interests.
Decisions on exclusion or warning must provide the member with a reasonable time, at least 14 days, to comment on the circumstances that led to their membership being questioned. The reason for exclusion must be clearly stated in the decision, and the member must be informed of the process to appeal the decision. The decision must be communicated to the member in writing within three days of the decision being made.

Section 13 Member’s rights and obligations

• have the right to participate in meetings organized for the members

• have the right to information about the organization’s affairs

• must adhere to the organization’s statutes and decisions made by its governing bodies

• is not entitled to a share of the organization’s assets or property upon its dissolution

• must pay the membership fee and any other fees determined by the organization.

• approves through their membership that the organization may process their personal data to
carry out its activities in accordance with the organization’s current statutes and any other conditions for processing personal data set by the organization.

Section 14 Annual Meeting and extra Annual Meeting: Time, Summons

The annual meeting, which is the organization’s highest decision-making body, is held before the end of November. The time and place are determined by the board. The board must provide notice of the annual meeting and proposals for the agenda list to members no later than three weeks before the meeting, in the following manner:
1. By notifying members directly via email, and
2. By posting the information on the organization’s website.
If a proposal has been raised regarding a change in the statutes, closure or merger of the organization with another organization, or any other issue of essential importance for the organization or its members, it must be stated in the notice. Members must be provided with the business and management reports, auditors’ reports, a business plan with budget, the board’s proposal, and any received motions with the board’s opinion, no later than one week before the annual meeting. The summons must specify where these documents are available.

Section 15 Proposals for matters to be dealt with by the annual meeting

Both the board and members may submit proposals to be considered by the annual meeting. Board proposals are called propositions, while member proposals are referred to as motions. Motions must reach the board no later than four weeks before the annual meeting. The board must submit a written opinion on each motion to the annual meeting. All propositions and written opinions must be included in the annual meeting documents.

Section 16 Voting rights and the right to express opinions and make proposals

Only members who have paid the membership fee of 200sek no later than 30 days before the meeting and are at least 15 years old during the meeting year are entitled to vote. The right to vote is personal and may not be exercised through a proxy. Members without voting rights still have the right to speak and make proposals at the meeting.

Section 17 Decision-making body

The meeting is considered decision-making if a quorum of voting members is present. The board does not have voting rights regarding the discharge and election of accountants. This also applies to any board members who previously sat on the board for the financial year to which the disclaimer refers.

Section 18 Decisions and Voting

Decisions are made through acclamation or, if requested, by voting.
Except for the cases mentioned in Sections 8 and 9, all questions are decided by voting through a simple majority. A simple majority can be either absolute or relative. Decisions are made by a relative majority, where the person who receives the highest number of votes is elected, regardless of how those votes relate to the total votes cast. For decisions on matters
other than elections, an absolute majority is required, meaning more than half of the votes cast.
Voting takes place openly. However, if a member entitled to vote requests it, the vote must be conducted by secret ballot.
In the case of a non-election vote resulting in a tie, the proposal supported by the chairperson shall prevail if the chairperson is eligible to vote. If the chairperson is not eligible to vote, the tie shall be broken by lot. For elections, in the event of a tie, the winner shall be determined by lot.

Section 19 Eligibility

Voting members who have reached the age of 18 are eligible for election to the board and election committee. However, an employee of the association may not be elected as a member of the board, the election committee, or as an auditor within the association.

Section 20 Items at the Annual Meeting

The following shall be addressed and recorded in the minutes at the annual meeting:
1. The meeting for the organization’s name and organization number is opened.

2. Establishment of the voting list for the meeting (Name and surname of those present at the meeting and which of these have voting rights are attached to the minutes as an appendix).

3. Election of chairperson and secretary for the meeting.

4. Election of 2 minute-takers/verifiers and 2 vote counters.

5. Question of whether the meeting has been convened correctly.

6. Approval of the agenda.

7. a) The board’s activity report for the past financial year.

b) The board’s financial report (balance sheet and income statement) for the past financial year.

8. The auditors’ report on the board’s management during the past financial year.

9. Question of discharge from liability for the board for the period covered by the audit. In this vote, the board or any board members who have previously served on the board for the financial year to which the discharge from liability refers may not vote.
10. Determination of membership fees for the next financial year.

11. Determination of the business plan and discussion of the budget for the coming financial year.

12. Consideration of proposals (from the board) and motions (proposals from the members) submitted on time.

13. Election of:
-The organization’s chairperson for a term of 2 years.
-Members of the board for a term of 1 year.
-Possibly 1-3 deputy members of the board with a determined order of rotation for a term of 1 year.
-1-2 auditors for a term of 1 year. Newly elected board members may not participate in this election.
-1-3 members of the nomination committee for a term of 1 year, one of whom shall be appointed convener.

14. The meeting is adjourned.
Section 21 Extra annual meeting
The board can convene an extra annual meeting for the members. The board is obliged to call an extra annual meeting when an auditor or at least 10% of the association’s voting members request it. Such a request must be made in writing and include the reasons for the request. When the board receives a request for an extra annual meeting, it must announce the meeting within 14 days, to be held within two months of receiving the request.
A notice with a proposed agenda for the extraordinary annual meeting must be provided to the members no later than seven days before the meeting, in the manner decided by the board. Additionally, the notice with the proposed agenda must be published on the organization’s website, or shared in another suitable place.
At an extraordinary annual meeting, only the matter that led to the meeting may be considered. The voting rights and decision-making process at such extraordinary annual meetings are governed by the provisions outlined in Sections 16 and 17.

Section 22 Nomination committee

The nomination committee consists of 1-3 members, one of whom serves as the convener, and is elected by the annual meeting for a 1-year term. The nomination committee meets when the chairperson or at least half of the members decide to do so. No later than four weeks before the annual meeting, the electoral committee must inquire with those whose term of office is expiring at the end of the meeting, asking if they wish to run for another term. The nomination committee must then notify the members of their proposal no later than two weeks before the annual meeting.

Section 23 Auditors

1-2 auditors, shall be appointed to review the association’s accounts and the board’s administration. The auditors are elected by the annual meeting for 1 year. The auditors have the right to continuously take part in the organization’s accounts, annual meetings, board minutes, and other documents. The auditors shall not regularly participate in board meetings. The organization’s accounts must be available to the auditors no later than 1 month before the annual meeting. The auditors must review the board’s administration and accounts for the most recent operating and financial year, and submit the audit report to the board no later than 14 days before the annual meeting. Because the auditors are the organization’s controlling body, they must not have a close relationship with anyone on the board.

Section 24 The Board

The board consists of the Chairperson and 2 other members, as well as potentially 1-3 deputies. The chairperson is elected by the annual meeting for a 2-year term, while the other members are elected for 1-year terms, and deputies are elected for 1-year terms.
The other members are elected in an alternating manner, ensuring that not all are re-elected in the same year. The board should be composed of both women and men. After the organization’s annual meeting, the newly elected board members convene to constitute themselves. At this constitutive meeting, only those who have been newly elected participate as board members for the coming financial year, and they distribute assignments within the board, such as vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and any other necessary executive roles.
If a member is unable to attend, the deputy takes office according to the order of rotation determined by the annual meeting. If a member resigns before the end of their term, a deputy takes their place for the remainder of the term until the next annual meeting. The board may also appoint an additional adjunct member. Such an adjunct member does not have voting rights, but the board may grant them the ability to express opinions and make proposals. Adjunct members may be appointed to specific positions within the board.
Section 25 Duties of the board
When the annual meeting is not convened, the board serves as the organization’s decision-making body and is responsible for managing the association’s affairs. Within the framework of these statutes, the board shall be responsible for the organization’s activities according to established plans and safeguarding the interests of the members.
Specifically, it is the responsibility of the board to:

• Ensure the organization’s applicable laws and binding rules are observed

• Execute the decisions made by the annual meeting

• Plan, lead, and distribute the work within the organization

• Manage and be responsible for the organization’s funds

• Provide the auditors with accounts, etc. according to Section 23

• Prepare for the annual meeting, generate the necessary documents, and call the annual meeting as per Section 14

• Ensure that minutes from the annual meeting and any extra annual meetings are available for the organization’s members
• Handle other matters arising that are not explicitly specified in the statutes

The Chairperson

-The Chairperson will preside at all Board and General meetings of the Organization. The Chairperson (President) shall undertake such functions in respect of the Organization as the Board may determine from time to time.

-The board will elect from among its members a Deputy Chairperson. The Deputy Chairperson (Vice-President) will preside on all Board meetings and General meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.

The General Secretary

-The Secretary shall be elected at the General Meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for all the secretarial and administrative work of the Board.

-The Board may elect from among its members an Assistant Secretary to assist the Secretary as necessary.

-The Secretary and his/her assistant shall undertake such functions in respect of the Organization as the Board may determine from time to time.

The Treasurer

-The Treasurer will be responsible for all the Financial and Accounting work of the organization. The Board may elect from among its members an Assistant Treasurer to assist the Treasurer. The Treasurer and his/her Assistant shall undertake such functions in respect of the Organization as the Board determines from time to time.

No remuneration (except by way of reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, if any) shall be paid to any member of the Board in respect of their office.

Section 26 Notice, quorum, and voting

The board meets when called by the chairperson, or when at least half the number of members have requested it. The board can make decisions when all members have been notified and at least half the number of members are present. For all decisions, at least half of all board members must agree on the decision. In the event of an equal number of votes, the chairperson has the casting vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted. In urgent cases, the chairperson may decide that the matter shall be decided by written vote or at a telephone meeting. If a special protocol is not drawn up, such a decision must be notified at the immediately following meeting. Minutes must be taken at board meetings. The minutes must be signed by the meeting secretary and signed and adjusted by the meeting chairperson and by one or more appointed minutes adjusters. Any dissenting opinions must be recorded in the minutes.

Minutes must be signed by the meeting secretary and signed and adjusted by
the meeting chairman and by one or more appointed minutes adjusters. Dissenting statements
must be recorded in the minutes.

Section 27 Transfer of decision-making rights

The board may delegate its decision-making rights in individual cases or in certain groups of
matters to a section, committee or other body or to an individual member or employee.
The person who decided with the support of authorization must continuously notify
the board about this.